Once Upon a Time

Wall Sculpture

Framed Size: 27in x 27in

Edition size 90




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In our lives we are all seeking and deserve our own Happy Ever after. No matter what age we are, we all  search our whole lives for love,  and romance will always succeed in our own fairy tales.

I have chosen to use the phrase 'Happy ever after', rather than 'Happily ever after', because with 'Happily ever after' it is as if the journey is over, it is the end of the story. But this is not the case, it is never over until the day you die, we can all strive for happy ever after every day we live, and every day we love.

In this piece I have pushed the envelope. It is the second biggest edition piece I have ever done with some of my favourite figures I have ever sculpted. I have longed to carve and cast a horse in an edition and at last I have done it, and am so pleased with the outcome.
